

We believe that the key to a Christian education is having Christ at the center of all learning, 而不是作为课程的附加内容. 精神生活涉及学校的每一项活动, 和 teachers authentically integrate a Christian perspective into all subject areas.

同时对灵性有一个整体的看法, we offer many specific 和 intentional activities to highlight the spiritual dimension of life.

  • 小学 学生每天接受圣经教导 遇到 curriculum 和 attend 每周一次的礼拜仪式 at their level of underst和ing.  了解更多网投十大信誉平台 遇到.
  • 中学 学生一般每周上两次圣经课, 每周一次的礼拜仪式, 并且有更多的时间专注于他们与上帝的关系.
  • 高中 学生们每周去教堂做礼拜三次, meet one day per week in advisory groups 和 take a theology/Bible class each year. 教堂包括特别系列的演讲嘉宾, 比如承诺周, 宣教、启发及教育周, 以及职业和信仰周, 允许专注于精神成长的有意识的关注.

学生和教师来自不同的基督教教会. 老师, curriculum 和 chapel services emphasize a personal relationship with God through Christ, 因信得救, 并承诺跟随耶稣的生活和教导.

教堂为集体敬拜增添了额外的空间, 还有当地牧师的意见, 鼓舞人心的演讲者, singing groups 和 other resources that broaden the students’ awareness of the broader Church 和 God. This time of 敬拜 和 cultural events invites students to personal faith, 基督式的爱, peacemaking 和 service for focused 和 sustained attention to spiritual growth. Chapels give attention to the rhythms of the school year 和 the cycle of the Christian year.

教堂, 看更多的教堂视频-点击这里



  • Offer teaching that is warmly ecumenical from an Anabaptist perspective that speaks to heart 和 mind.
  • Provide biblical teaching that integrates faith with current issues relevant to our faith journeys.
  • Create a climate that disciples Christians as well as invites seekers to faith.
  • 在上学的日子里,为崇拜、祈祷和反思留出时间.
  • 培养在世上作神宣教子民的意识.
  • Highlight special callings in the church 和 the world, as a way to nurture each student’s calling.
  • 发展敬拜带领, 表演, 以及学生的技术能力, 以及模范成人领导.
  • 将全体学生和教师聚集在一起,建立社区.


  • 平衡敬拜和以信仰为中心的教堂与偶尔的聚会, 而不是敬拜, 建立和庆祝社区.
  • 关注学校生活, while at the same time developing awareness of the wider world 和 the global church.


  • 教师和学生.
  • Local pastors 和 representatives of Anabaptist-related institutions, from the U.S. 在世界各地.
  • 了解并尊重学校使命的演讲嘉宾.


  • 除了赞美诗(赞美诗:一本敬拜书), 我们的核心音乐就是从中汲取的, we welcome 和 celebrate with a balanced selection of Christian music of other styles.
  • 学校里的音乐团体定期带领敬拜和表演.
  • Choirs, particularly from Mennonite colleges, often travel to perform at our chapel services.




最终, beliefs in our head are nothing unless they are “made flesh” in actual actions 和 attitudes. 我们已经确定了15件事,作为我们信仰的结果,我们是这样做的:

  1. In this school students know they are loved 和 valued by God which enables them to value 和 love each other.
  2. 建设和平, 包括使用恢复性纪律, 是否经常以非暴力的生活方式为榜样和实践, 寻求正义,成为和解信仰团体的一员.
  3. Our school values 和 is responsive to cultural, racial 和 socio-economic diversity.
  4. Our school provides a welcoming community where it is emotionally safe to raise questions, 重视差异并从差异中学习, 互相关心.
  5. 学校培养学生的全球意识, 文化敏感性, 反种族主义, 和富有同情心的生活.
  6. Students grow in their underst和ing of stewardship of all God has entrusted to them, 包括自然环境.
  7. 工作人员 members in our school are committed to modeling the life of Jesus Christ.
  8. Students grow in underst和ing the process of biblical discernment by asking questions, 练习精神训练, 并与其他基督徒交往.
  9. Students are encouraged to grow in relationship with Jesus 和 to follow Jesus daily in life through attitudes 和 practice.
  10. Our school does everything it can to eliminate the obstacles that exclude or hinder the ability of students to receive a faith-infused, 卓越教育.
  11. Stories 和 symbols of faith 和 reconciliation are regularly shared in our school community.
  12. Our school invites parents to become partners in the faith formation of their child.
  13. 我们的学校是一个通过祷告活出福音信息的团体, 服务他人, 和 enabling students to grow in underst和ing that they can make a positive difference in the world globally 和 locally.
  14. Our school builds a strong faith 和 learning community in which students 和 staff support each other.
  15. 我们的学校让学生过一种充满好奇心的生活, wonder 和 mystery as they join with God to bring the reign of God on earth as it is in heaven.


An international group of Anabaptists (Mennonite World Conference) developed this list of Shared Convictions. Anabaptist simply means “re-baptized” 和 refers to people who were baptized as adults during the Protestant Reformation upon confession of Christ as their Saviour 和 Lord. 门诺派是以早期再洗礼派领袖门诺·西蒙斯的名字命名的.

  1. 我们称神为父, 圣子与圣灵, the Creator who seeks to restore fallen humanity by calling a people to be faithful in fellowship, 敬拜, 送达及见证.
  2. 耶稣是神的儿子. 通过他的生活和教诲, 他的十字架和复活, 他教导我们如何成为忠心的门徒, 救赎了世界, 并赐予永生.
  3. 作为一个教堂, 我们是被神的灵呼召转离罪恶的群体, 承认耶稣基督是主, 在承认信仰时接受洗礼, 在生活中跟随基督.
  4. 作为一个信仰团体, 我们接受圣经作为我们信仰和生活的权威, 在圣灵的引导下一起解释圣经, 在耶稣基督的光照下,明白神要我们顺服的旨意.
  5. The Spirit of Jesus empowers us to trust God in all areas of life so we become peacemakers who renounce violence, 爱我们的敌人, 寻求正义, 和需要帮助的人分享我们的财产.
  6. 我们定期聚会做礼拜, 庆祝主的晚餐, 并以相互负责的精神聆听上帝的话语.
  7. As a world-wide community of faith 和 life we transcend boundaries of nationality, 比赛, class, 性别与语言. 我们寻求活在世上,不受邪恶势力的辖制, 通过服事他人来见证神的恩典, 关爱创作, 并邀请所有的人认识耶稣基督为救主和主.

In these convictions we draw inspiration from Anabaptist forebears of the 16th century, 谁是耶稣基督的门徒. 我们寻求借着圣灵的能力奉他的名而行, as we confidently await Christ’s return 和 the final fulfillment of God’s kingdom.


网投十大信誉平台教徒 School (LM) chooses to say a prayer before the start of each game instead of playing the national anthem or flying the American flag. 这种选择植根于再洗礼派的信仰和LM的核心价值观. Praying at all athletic events displays our core values of Seeking Jesus Wholeheartedly 和 Living Compassionately by acknowledging the gifts God has given each student 和 asking for safety for players on both teams.

作为一个信仰团体, we affirm that God transcends boundaries 和 that we are part of a global faith community. 我们对上帝的忠诚超越国籍, 这体现了我们培养全球公民的核心价值. In addition, the Mennonite faith follows a tradition of pacifism 和 peacemaking. 在国歌中,可以找到暴力和军国主义的语言. LM believes that we are called to follow Jesus’ example of nonviolence as we live out our core value to Build Bridges of Peace.

有这样的例子, 比如季后赛, that if we are hosting games PIAA requires the school to play the national anthem 和 display an American flag. 在这些情况下,我们确实遵守PIAA的指导方针.