

教育改善税收抵免(EITC) is a state program that allows eligible businesses to receive up to a 90% tax credit on contributions to an ETIC scholarship organization. In 2014, Pennsylvania’s EITC legislation was amended to allow certain 个人 (rather than only businesses) to participate in the EITC tax credit program through what is called a Special Purpose Entity (SPE). 网投十大信誉平台 has an opportunity to fully fund our needs-based scholarship by maximizing this EITC capacity.

This is truly an amazing opportunity 和 we are very excited to see how God is using this program to help meet our financial needs this year 和 beyond. Please consult your own tax professional to ensure that the EITC/SPE program fits your personal situation.


  • An “accredited investor” signs a joinder agreement to participate in an SPE. 在协议中, investor will confirm status as a qualified investor, designate the amount of initial capital contribution, 并指定受益学校. Please list 网投十大信誉平台 as the beneficiary. (最大限度地提高税收抵免的好处, investor should make contribution so that 90% of its value is an amount as close as possible to their Pennsylvania tax burden without going over).
  • 在日历年度结束前, investor must send a check to the SPE in the amount they have determined. Investor will receive a tax credit for 90% of this amount. Joinder 和 check should be mailed to the address listed on the joinder or to Attn: Luis Torres, 网投十大信誉平台, 林肯东路2176号.宾夕法尼亚州兰开斯特17602.
  • 也请发邮件 torresld@sym-biosis.net 这样我们就能跟踪我们的参与者.
  • 在下一个历年的年初, the SPE will distribute the contributed amount to the designated school through an EITC scholarship organization. 的se funds will be used to provide need based financial aid to 网投十大信誉平台教徒 students.
  • 的 investor will receive a federal K-1 listing the contribution. This can be an itemized deduction on Schedule A of their FEDERAL tax return as a contribution to a 501(c)(3). 的 amount for the federal tax benefit will vary according to one’s tax bracket.
  • 的 investor will also receive a state K-1 和 a transfer form to transfer the tax credit from their K-1 to their personal PA tax return. 的 investor can claim 90% of the invested amount as a credit / payment to be used against their joint personal PA tax liability.
    • So, 例如, 向SPE投资1万美元, the investor would receive $9k off their PA tax bill (和 withholdings or payments already made will be refunded – note, 然而, that processing of tax refund will likely be delayed until at least June).
  • Most SPEs require a two year commitment to receive the full 90% tax credit (75% tax credit is the minimum for any one year commitment). Please verify with the particular SPE whether a one year commitment provides the full 90% tax credit.
  • Note: Multiple SPE options are available for supporting 网投十大信誉平台教徒 students.  If you have been put on a waitlist or told that an SPE does not have any more funds available for this year, please communicate this information to Luis Torres who will connect you to another SPE option (717-740-2426 or torresld@sym-biosis.net).


要求因SPE的不同而不同. 网投十大信誉平台教徒 has relationships with multiple SPEs. 参与的最低要求是:

  • If you pay at least $500 in PA individual state income tax. Donor must be employed by a for-profit company (or be a non-profit employee owning shares in PA-based company).
  • 如果你的企业支付PA州税, you may be eligible for SPE 和/or 教育改善税收抵免(EITC).
  • For an individual taxpayer or married filing jointly tax payers who work for nonprofits, a simple additional step of purchasing a Pennsylvania stock is required to qualify. 在这种情况下,请联系路易斯·托雷斯 717-740-2426 or torresld@sym-biosis.net.

注:企业所有者(S-Corporations), 合作伙伴关系, 和某些有限责任公司)也可以参加SPE. 风险、回报和其他细节.

  • 的 main risk is that an investor overestimates his or her tax liability. In such a case, the excess contribution would not receive a tax benefit on PA return.
  • If the tax credit turns out to not be available for some reason, the SPE will refund your investment.
  • 的 main benefit – aside from the joy of knowing you are supporting students to receive a Christ-Centered education –is that you could receive a very significant tax reduction on both your federal 和 state returns. 请参见下面的场景.
  • 只要这个项目继续下去, investors should be able to continue receiving this tax credit for as long as they want to continue in the SPE. Each SPE that we partner with gives priority to investors from the previous year.

Joe Taxpayer estimated his PA tax liability for 2022 to be $10,000. He signs the joinder agreement to join the SPE 和 sends a check for $10k to the SPE before December 31. He will receive a $9k tax credit for his PA taxes 和 a $1,000 reduction in his federal taxable income for 2022.

eitc -特殊用途单位 第一年 第二年 总计
Investment in SPE (which will be distributed to school of his choice.) $10,000 $10,000 $20,000
PA税收抵免 ($9,000) ($9,000)
Reduction in federal tax for charitable contribution. Scenario assumes taxpayer itemizes the deduction on Schedule A 和 is in the 24% tax bracket. ($240) ($240)
个人缴款者的现金净额. $760 $760 $1,520