


LM的老师很关心我. 老师们喜欢,先生。. 杜安·埃文斯(AP Chem)和埃文斯先生. Jon Metzler have positively impacted me 和 helped prepare me after LM, as I am currently in Doctor of Pharmacy 学校 studying at Purdue University.

Kyunghyun Kim,韩国




Through its constant provocation of spiritual thoughts 和 Biblical teachings, 我觉得我获得了领导才能, 一个身份, 学习热情, 和 dedication to service from this special community. The atmosphere manages to retain a definite sense of fun, 参与其中的机会是无穷无尽的.



Project-Based Learning taught me time management 和 problem solving skills

“我最喜欢项目式学习(PBL)中学的部分是它的互动性. 作为一个动手学习的人, 基于项目的学习帮助我更快地学习,而且让我感到兴奋. 基于项目的学习通过教会我时间管理和解决问题的能力,为我进入高中和现实世界做好了准备."


Thanks to 西班牙浸 my 3 kids are fluent in Spanish!

I am very impressed with the 西班牙浸 Program. 我的三个孩子参加了这个项目,由于学校和其他因素,他们的西班牙语说得非常流利. What I like the most is that my kids are also doing great with their 英语 grammar, 阅读和写作, therefore they are learning a great deal in both languages.



I appreciated the tie-in of academics, co-curriculars 和 spiritual life.

我周围都是强壮的学生. I wanted to take classes with people who would drive me to be successful.



PBL students are collaborative, 自觉自发的 with strong communication skills.

“作为一名高中教师,我注意到在项目式学习(PBL)中学就读或毕业的学生都是合作的, 自觉自发的. 当被分成小组时,他们很快意识到自己的角色,并开始与小组成员一起组织他们. They are strong communicators that can express their ideas well, 和 create very polished presentations for class projects."


LM is a place where diversity 和 service is important.

运动的多样性, 俱乐部, 和 practical aspects of the school makes 网投十大信誉平台教徒 school st和 out. The chapels are very enlightening, 和 spiritually enriching. 我在与上帝的关系中成长了. 我已经成为一个更好的人. 正是这种多样性让我更加热爱它. 我交到了来自世界各地的朋友. I can truly see God working through my life in 网投十大信誉平台教徒 学校.

Yokabed Jekale,埃塞俄比亚





When I reflect on my LM experience, these three concepts prove to be very significant. In addition to the dynamic academic environment LM has offered me, I have also been challenged to engage in a supportive community of students, celebrate diversity 和 pursue service opportunities.

Spending the first six year of my education at a different school, I am able to appreciate/evaluate LM in the context of other educational institutions. 而大多数基督教学校相对较小, I have found the size of LM to be a comfortable medium; large enough to offer a significant amount of opportunities 和 extra-curricular activities 和 small enough for every student to be acknowledged as more than a number.



PBL provides skills that will equip our child for the real world

“LM项目学习型中学真的帮助我们的孩子成长为一个自信的人, willing to try new things 和 solve problems collaboratively. The environment at LMMS is a safe place to take risks 和 foster creativity, 创新, 以及学生的毅力. 这些技能将装备他们面对真正的挑战,并帮助他们成长为能够追随自己的激情的成年人."




Our daughter is not only acquiring the vocabulary, but she is functional. 这可以从她与我父母和其他住在阿根廷的家人通电话的方式中看出. 她可以表达自己的想法,并把想法放在一起,以便连贯地交流,而不是在这里或那里学习一个单词,并且必须认真思考如何将一个句子组合在一起. 我们看到她能清楚地表达自己的思想, 详细地告诉我的父母, 并且能够处理后续的问题, 并解释清楚.

She doesn't see things as happening in one language or the other, she let's life happen 和 uses these tools to explain to everyone her experience. My husb和 was concerned about math comprehension as she got older, but she sees numbers as another way of communication of different relationships, 并且知道答案是, 和 the choice of language to answer in is for the listener, 和理解方程没有关系.

诚实, we are very impressed with how grounded 和 functional the learning has been, 在这个年纪,她似乎很擅长解决那些可能让别人望而却步的事情, 她只是问为什么, 我们开始寻找答案.



The seed planted in my soul at LM continues to blossom.

在我以前的学校, 我只是勉强度日,没有充分发挥自己的潜力. 在LM,有些事情发生了. 我被老师教他们的科目和教我做人的快乐所吸引. A seed was planted for learning 和 sharing with others. 感谢LM, 我在天普大学(Temple University)获得了社会工作学士学位和硕士学位. I also spent some time in Honduras to share what I learned with others. I can say wholeheartedly that I am truly blessed; the seed that was planted in my soul many years ago at LM continues to blossom.

Moniqua Acosta


People at LM don't just preach the word, they live it.

老师们真的很关心. 你不只是班里的一个孩子. They really cared about your future 和 your relationship with the Lord. 我教孩子的方式一直困扰着我. 我是一名不折不扣的开拓者, 获得一个奖项有助于传达这样一个信息:我正在做我认为上帝让我在这个世界上做的事情. If you're not helping others, I think you're just wasting time.



LM teachers 和 administrators are a positive influence on our children.

They interact with them as mentors, not rule-enforcers. LM是一个鼓励家长参与的学校系统,我们觉得我们是学校家庭的一部分. LM挑战学生成为他人的榜样和作为世界公民的变革推动者. The best part about 网投十大信誉平台教徒 is the positive atmosphere. LM is small enough that everyone can be treated as an individual, but large enough to provide students with opportunities offered by bigger schools.

约翰 & 梅丽莎Mattilio



他们帮助我建立了自信,鼓励我去梦想,朝着我想要的未来努力. LMH是一所非凡的学校, which helped me succeed by believing in this principle: "If you can dream it, 你可以做到的."

Estella Fan Xinyuan,中国



体育运动 were also an important part of my time at LMH, 我是一些非常成功的团队的一员. 好的教练和学习如何团队合作的好处肯定会延伸到我今天的职业生涯中. 我觉得我从LMH得到的最重要的东西是,我在那里建立的友谊远远超出了我在那里度过的时间, which I really feel is unique in relation to other high schools... the network of Lancaster business professionals who are LMH alumni is a large group, 这些领导人在他们的社区中很活跃. 从我毕业那天起,这个领导网络就一直是我生活和事业中的宝贵资源.




LMH offers so many different options for academic courses 和 athletics. 我向那些同时寻求高质量教育和友好环境的人推荐LMH.

Juan David Gomez,哥伦比亚



参加LM对我来说是一个很好的选择. 学校给了我很多学习不同文化和提高英语水平的机会, 哪个对我的未来很重要. I made a lot of friends who helped me with the language 和 with the homework. The teachers 和 students are really nice; they’re friendly, 如果你不明白,他们会帮助你. 我很高兴我在学校社区的好朋友们让我在这里的经历令人难忘.

Gonzalo Reyes,智利


LM has been my home since I first came here to the US in 2012.

学校给了我很多挑战自我的机会,帮助我成为一个更好的人. 我很幸运地遇到了很多人,从老师到学生,都给了我很大的动力. 各种各样的课程和组织也教会了我许多人生的教训,我将永远珍惜.

Vy Ho,越南



“我仍然记得我在LM的第一天. I was afraid of the strange environment, I only knew my piano professor — Dr. 潘在高级音乐课程. 随着我逐渐了解LM社区, I started to not feel lonely anymore…because of them, 我有一个美丽的高中生活.”

京晶在LM高级音乐课程的经历给她留下了深刻的影响,她决定去米勒斯维尔大学学习音乐教育. Not only has she taught elementary students in her hometown of Xinjiang, she currently works as a student teacher at LM's elementary campus, 协助音乐课. “创意是音乐创作的核心.她说。. “I enjoy every little moment in our music classroom; I am happy to see my students are improving 和 growing up healthy 和 happy. “


