

作为一个综合的, 全人私立学校, LM帮助不同能力和兴趣的学生发挥他们的潜能. The student body includes students with academic difficulties as well as Merit Scholars; it includes those who want to work with their h和s as well as those who aspire to work toward professional careers. We are proud to offer an expansive offering of 蒸汽 classes 和 opportunities integrated within our curriculum at all grade levels.

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As the first in-school experience, 名 lays the foundation for future education.

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我们的方法是一个包括阅读在内的平衡的提高读写能力的项目, 写作, 听力和口语. Many h和s-on activities 和 games enhance the teaching of mathematical skills 和 concepts.

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The elementary program emphasizes foundational skills, habits 和 knowledge. Physical education, 音乐 和 艺术, are taught by specialists in facilities devoted to those subjects.

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除了优秀的学术, 运动和社交机会, all middle school students experience 精神的形成 as they study the Bible, 参加灵修和参加教堂礼拜.

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同时培养所有的天赋和才能, the high school program provides academic rigor that can propel students to top-notch colleges 和 universities or develop skills that launch careers in high-dem和 fields. Our comprehensive 高中 Curriculum offers a great variety of courses 和 programs, 包括AP课程, 双录取, 蒸汽, 还有技术领域的选修课, 农业科学, 精神的形成, 艺术, 音乐, 还有很多其他的.




LM的学术卓越是由我们的 100%大学录取率, 大学先修课程考试通过率99%, SAT成绩比全国平均水平高出140分. 根据大学理事会的数据, LM students also score significantly higher on Advanced Placement test success of LM students versus PA 和 national averages.

Academic Ch艺术 - SAT Scores consistently 140 Points above the national average


流 & 小径

AP & 荣誉课程



我们提供一系列具有挑战性的课程, 包括14门AP课程, 10门荣誉课程, 和 numerous 双录取 courses from Eastern Mennonite University 和 弥赛亚大学. Our courses are designed to meet the needs of high-achieving students preparing for college. We combine a rigorous education 和 unique extracurriculars with a caring, Christ-centered community.



For its size, LM produces many National Merit Scholars 和 Commended Scholars.

LM receives positive feedback from colleges regarding the academic preparation of LM graduates. LM的校友们已经进入了非常挑剔的学院和大学.

LM students do well in various competitions with students from other schools.

LM学生不断获得地区和国家艺术奖项, 音乐, 写作, FFA和其他比赛.


A majority of the faculty possess advanced degrees 和 have lived or studied in other countries, 为他们的教学带来真正的全球视角. A number of LM teachers have received recognition at the local, state 和 national levels.


In athletics as well as clubs, LM programs consistently win at local, district 和 state levels. LM学生的写作水平已被国家认可, 艺术, 拼写和其他努力.


Highly-educated 和 quality-minded parents are satisfied with 网投十大信誉平台教徒 School. 事实上,许多医生, 律师, 大学教授, 学校管理人员, psychologists 和 educators want an LM education for their children speaks well of the school’s educational quality. Many quality-conscious 和 results-oriented business persons also are satisfied that an LM education is worth the investment.

网投十大信誉平台教徒 School is accredited by Cognia 和 the Mennonite Education Agency.

Being accredited means that LM has met all the st和ards for accreditation by these two groups 和 that it has developed 和 is implementing a measurable plan for student growth in core academic areas as well as spiritual growth.


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在他的工作作为代理经纪人和房地产经纪人与金威房地产, 蒂姆为有购房兴趣的难民提供服务. “帮助新到美国的人需要额外的工作.S. 海关、法律、金融和建筑. 为了给他们提供良好的建议,需要更高水平的服务.给蒂姆, Cultivating Global Citizens is about believing that “all people have the intrinsic value of being made in God’s image.”

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埃塞俄比亚之间的家族遗产 & 网投十大信誉平台:93年 & 93年的伯利恒

约翰内斯家族和LM有几十年的渊源. Sisters came to the United States from Ethiopia for high school 和 lived in the Graybill Hall Residence Hall as dorm students. Hamelmal currently lives in Virginia 和 provides financial management 和 financial system support to the U.S. 政府. Bethlehem, is a nurse at Georgetown University Hospital caring for patients before 和 after surgery.

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在过去的七年里, my family 和 I (JENNIFER DIENER HOOVER ‘90) have worked with VidaNet in Heredia, 哥斯达黎加. Vidanet exists to develop global disciples of Jesus Christ through intensive discipleship 和 mission opportunities. 我的丈夫DARYL HOOVER和我都是行政领导团队的成员. Daryl是CFO, 我是招待协调员, 我们女员工的导师, 我们提供的危机怀孕服务的员工护士和志愿者.



呼叫 717.740.2429 to speak directly to an admissions counselor 和 request more information or schedule a campus tour. 我们期待与您见面!

“我有3个孩子在LM上学. 我们喜欢它! We love the teachers, academic programs, 西班牙浸 program, faith focus, 和 students. 这是一个很棒的社区,里面都是互相支持的人.” 

特里西娅年代., LM学生家长